¿Cómo y cuándo usar una pamela, tocado, diadema, turbante..?

How and when to wear a hat, headdress, headband, turban...?

It is a fact that hats, headdresses, tiaras… have become essential at weddings in recent years. What's more, not only at weddings, but also at baptisms, communions and other daytime events thanks to the Kate effect in the world and Nieves Álvarez in Spain:

Now, how and when to use them?

The most important thing is that the guest wants to wear it, that she doesn't feel disguised and that it goes with her style.

Also, keep in mind that hats and fascinators are suitable for morning events.

Headbands (as long as they do not have a veil covering the face), turbans or crystal headdresses can be worn at both morning and evening events.

Another important aspect is choosing a comfortable headdress, hat, tiara, etc., since it should not be removed throughout the event. At weddings, it is allowed to remove it after lunch.

You also have to decide whether to place it on the right or left side of the head. Traditionally, they have been placed on the right side since women tend to be on the right side of their companion. Although it is true that more and more people are placing it on the left side because it suits them better.

As for the materials the headdress is made of, these vary with the seasons and the place where the event is held. Feathers and velvet are more suitable for winter while straw and flowers are more appropriate for summer. Although it is true that everything depends on how the materials are combined, what colors they have...

But remember that the most important thing is that the guest is comfortable, feels like herself and enjoys the event.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you!

Happy week!


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